Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hero's Name: Bob The Builder
Villain: Destructor
Master: Mr. Specialist
Setting & Plot: This takes place in a foreign country named Andavist (I so just made that place up, there might me such location, not sure, well who cares). So Bob is super wealthy and he is a great man, he helps those of his country to progress in life and to better them selves little by little. What he does is helps them to obtain an education and then lead them in the correct direction by helping them obtain a job that can maintain them economically. So this know, "Destructor" is somewhat of a ghost who tries to prevent Bob in everyone of his tasks with helping his people. He usually tries to persuade and lead these individuals into temptation that would prevent them from succeeding which tests them with real life situations.
- I do not consider my hero to be an ati-hero I believe he has many good heroic characteristics.

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