Sunday, May 1, 2011

Harry Potter Fun.

Quidditch, the most popular sport played in the Wizard World played with brooms and balls is AWSOME! It would be amazing if there was something like that in true life. Well I bet there is some invention out there that has to do with flying an individual in some kind of traveling devise, yet nothing close to comparing to a flying broom. I would like to play this Wizard game, yet not riding a broom, I do not want to fell like a witch or something in that nature.. maybe more like a mini car or something like that how cool would that be?... VERY !


  1. Omg lore, I had a dream once where i was flying on a broom!! it was soooo cool!! Thats one of my most deepest desires! to be able to fly (not on an airplane) but like forrealz. I want to be able to fly to places i mean it would save us some money lol.

  2. I have never even rode on a plane before! So I have never even been in a situation like that. But gah that would be pretty nifty lol. Like Sheyla said, it would save us money, and me being a tree hugger, I would love to save fuel :P
